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Work with Directories and Files in PowerShell

Tags: powershell, for-kathryn


cd.. go back one directory
cd directoryName go to the child directory
cd some\path\to\some\descendent\directory go to the descendent directory
dir list the contents of the current directory
location display the current directory
ii . open the current directory in Windows Explorer
any-command | out-null suppress console output
get-help any-command get help for a command
get-alias –definition any-command list a commands aliases
get-alias anyAlias list an alias’s command
cd "c:\users\$env:username\desktop" go to the desktop, with the %username% variable

Create, Delete, and Move Files or Folders

  • New-Item
  • Remove-Item
  • Move-Item

See also http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/5a761ad4-9a3e-4bd7-abe8-27bf7c54af36

cd \
new-item parentFolder -type directory

cd parentFolder new-item childFolder1 -type directory new-item childFolder2 -type directory

cd childFolder1 new-item grandChildFolder -type directory move-item grandChildFolder ..\childFolder2

cd \

delete the parent; prevent a confirmation

remove-item parentFolder –recurse

Unzip Folders

This works just as well from the dos command line.

# install 7zip and 7za
cinst 7zip
cinst 7zip.commandline 

test - should show help


unzip (like right click, extract all)

7za x someFolder.zip